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Breaking: Jocelyn Savage Family Attorney Responds To #RKelly Song “Admit”

R. Kelly addresses the “sex cult” allegationsthe Spotify playlist ban, his learning disability and the financial struggle of being a celebrity who tours to pay the rent in a 9-minute track titled “I Admit.”

“Now the truth in this message is I’m a broke-ass legend / The only reason I stay on tour is ’cause I gotta pay my rent,” Kelly sings. “I never thought it would come to this, to be the most disrespected artist / So I had to write a song about it / Because they always take my words and twist it / Believe me, it’s hard to admit all this.”

Over the course of the nearly 20-minute track, Kelly lets it all out and takes on the recent accusations he’s faced in the last couple of years, including those  made by several different women who claim that Kelly is operating what’s been described as a “sex cult.”

Over the course of the last several months the number of sexual abuse allegations against of the growing number Kelly reached a fever pitch which also resulted in his music being removed by Spotify from their popular featured playlists, which Kelly was not happy about and noted in his 19-minute song.

“Spotify, took me off they playlist / I admit that I been underrated,” Kelly sings. “I’m not convicted, not arrested, but dragged my name in the dirt / All this work to be successful and you’re bending me because of what you heard.”

Spotify later backed out of removing him from their platform

Elsewhere on “I Admit,” Kelly sings about some of the things he’s personally endured that he had previously revealed in his memoir such as his functional illiteracy and the habitual molestation by a female relative.

“I admit a family member touched me / From a child to the age of 14,” Kelly sings.

As for his dyslexia which causes an inability to read words and letters, Kelly says he was unable to read his contracts as a young artist and therefore doesn’t own the publishing on his own songs.

“I admit I’m at rock bottom / And this shit has rocked my mind / I’m calling on my hood / Come walk by my side / They don’t want me to shine,” Kelly adds. “Women’s groups, my god / Now don’t get it twisted, I do support them, but why they wanna bring down my art?”

One of the most high profile accusations comes from a family in Atlanta who say that Jocelyn Savage is under Kelly’s control and is allegedly being abused and isolated from the family by the RnB singer. In an exclusive interview Hip Hop Enquirer spoke to family attorney Gerald Griggs who is representing Mr. Savage and his wife in the hopes to gain access to their daughter who they have not seen or spoken to directly in over 2 years. in the audio recorded interview, Griggs speaks openly about some of the admissions Kelly made surrounding money and how Jocelyn was introduced to Kelly.

In 2018 it appears that the fight for justice is one thing that has not changed, just the means in how its fought!

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