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Armed Robbers Used GPS Tracking Device To Rob Safaree

We all remember that epic Angie Martinez interview with Safaree after he was robbed this past April. You know the interview where he broke down in tears because he couldn’t believe he was robbed.

Well according to TMZ, NYC authorities have discovered a GPS tracking device planted on Safaree’s vehicle. It’s unclear when the device was planted on his car, but officials believe it was the GPS used to track Safaree’s moves giving the robbers the best time to attack.

TMZ states “Interestingly enough, our sources say this tracking technique is one that’s been used by authorities in NYC as of late … and they even think the perps picked up the trick from them. We’re told these GPS devices have been getting used more and more in high-profile stickups.

Safaree told cops the robbers took upwards of $183k in cash and jewelry from him. The two suspects involved with the robbery have already been arrested in the case, one of whom Safaree knows very well.

No one from Safaree’s camp has yet to come out to give a statement on this new development. But we are pretty sure they will be checking all of Safaree’s rides from here on out.

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