Remembering the King of Pop


    On this day we take the time to remember the King of Pop Michael Jackson. Michael, who would have been 60 today, paved the way for most of the artists in the industry. He’s a household name that we will always remember. Kids that weren’t even born when he was alive experience some of the art he made. The King of Pop will forever live on in our hearts.

    His accomplishments speak for themselves. Michael topped the charts for decades. He set record after record in the music industry. Some of those records he is still the keeper of. He performed for years after his last album and delivered great shows every time.

    Michael started off in the Jackson 5, making his debut in 1969. His last album was released in 2001, meaning he made music for about 32 years, with every single solo album going platinum. Some of his albums even went diamond. Posthumously, Michael became the best selling artist of 2009.

    Michael lives on through his children. Paris, Micheal, and Prince, as well as in all of our hearts. Happy Birthday Michael!

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