7 Key Tips for Artists to Make Their Hip Hop Concerts A Success


    Do you want to make it big in the music world? Well, if your answer is yes, then as a hip hop artist, you need to keep some essential aspects in mind. First, it is essential that you need to spend resources and time to have a great live show.

    The reason is that you can make a great connection with your fans through a hip hop show. You should make sure that you do not take this opportunity for granted by any means at all. If you are lucky enough to develop a great reputation as a live performer, then you will get booked on more shows.

    When you perform live hip hop concerts, then it will become easy for you to extend your fan base, and this will help to extend the life of your career. Now, the question is how you can come up with a great concert; we will answer your questions right here.

    1.  Become Innovative with Your Sound Tracks

    The mistake most of the artists do is that they perform on their tracks. Well, you should not make this mistake by any means at all. You should discuss things out with your audio engineer, and he can create a show mix for any of the songs that you wish to perform.

    The show mix will have the lead vocals, but you have the margin for creativity here, and decide how you wish to perform your song.

    2.  Collaborate Well with the DJ

    Remember the DJ plays a crucial role in making hip hop concerts a success, so it is essential that you work upon building a relationship with the DJ. You have to sync well with the DJ to transform a good show into a great show.

    3.  Consider Bringing in A Hype Man

    A concert becomes lifeless if there is no energy, so you need to bring in a hype man who can add energy to your performance.

    4.  Practice with A Live Band

    Now, performing with a live band is one tricky job, so you need to be careful here. If you have made up your mind to perform with a live band, then make it a point to practice a lot. On stage, you should start with one to two instruments first, and then see how the crowd reacts to the live instruments.

    5.  Introduce an Element of Originality

    It is important that you should be yourself when you perform on stage. Your show should be a stunning amplification of your brand. You have to keep the psyche of the audience into consideration. You need to relate to what the audience wishes to see and here. Once you have been able to visualize these elements, make it a point to include them in your performance.

    6.  Focus on The Design and Lighting

    Design elements matter at the end of the day so focuses on the lighting to enhance your show. Make it a point to include a surprise element in your hip hop show, and this will keep your audience glued to your performance. However, remember the fine line between awesome and gimmicky.

    7.  Do Not Be Very Demanding from Your Audience

    Some artists expect too much from their audience. You should interact with your audience, but do not demand a lot from them. If you feel that a live concert is not one of your strengths, then it will not be a bad idea to bring in a creative director.

    Remember these tips, and you can win your audience with a great hip hop show for sure.

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