4 Reasons You Should Let You Kids Play The Drums


    Some many people give drummers a bad wrap. “They are always tapping,” or, “those drums will drive you crazy” are the most common phrases I’m sure you’ll hear from one parent to another. The fact of the matter is, being a drummer helps your child embrace their unique nature and grow. There are a few special traits that children who play the drums have that others simply do not. 

    So, to find out what those traits are and why your child should be a drummer, here are 4 reasons you should let your kid play the drums.

    1 – Builds Focus

    Playing the drums is so much more than playing the drums. It take a large amount of focus to master each and every drum stroke. This takes a lot of time a patience, but is possible for anyone to learn. They will learn to play different rhythms with their hands and feet, and helps your child build dextarity. With the time and dedication it takes to learn the proper techniques and how to read music in general, it’s not wonder your child will learn immense amounts of focus as they go from banging the drum to crafting musical drive. 

    Many see the percussion section as the backbone of the orchestra, so they have to focus on helping the conductor drive their fellow musicians towards the musical masterpiece. That type of musical focus will ultimately help your child throughout life as well. Taking control of a situation is a great thing to learn at a young age, and music is a perfect medium they can carry throughout their life. Drumming gets a high mark because you can tap on anything to make music happen!

    2 – Music Helps You Adapt

    All music is really mathematics based so there is possibility music help with the basics of math. For drummers, things get a bit more intense because of the call for using both hands to produce different part of a rhythm. This layering of rhythms helps the brain multitask and adapt to situations. That type of adaptive though can help your child adapt to other situations as well. 

    They aren’t sure why, but many scientists believe music unlocks part of the brain.

    3 – Builds a Sense of Community

    Music really builds a sense of community. Since it’s a universal language, music doesn’t need to know an origin, it can be put together like different thoughts to create beautiful expressions of the soul without ever saying a word, or saying a few! Music has so many possibilities, and the same goes for the drummer. Many amazing schools and private lessons can take you child beyond the drumset and expose them to a wide variety of percussion instruments. The more your child learns about ideas percussion, the more they will learn to adapt to their instrument, and their surroundings. It’s amazing how many instruments they can learn. 

    The best part about finding drum lessons is you can find them with any local search in most areas. Say you are in New York City, you could go to Google and type in, “Drum Lessons NYC” and it will bring up tons of locations where you child can get involved. Try to find a place let’s you participate beyond just lessons. If they can provide your child with community music opportunities, they are going to be able to help your child find their musical spirit! The ability to bring tons of different musicians together in one space is a great learning experience for any child. They can jump into most of these sessions at any time, they just need to find where and how they can contribute! It’s an awesome learning experience to watch too. You truly get to watch your child grow bit by bit as they more advanced techniques.

    4 – Drummers Are Better Problem Solvers

    As your child does start to advance in musical skill, you will start to notice something. They really have to focus to figure out the right way to play their music. This is especially true when your child plays the drums. Sheet music will call for drumsets to do some pretty odd things like using mallets instead sticks and replacing your sticks with the butts of the mallet so one part of the song sounds perfect. It takes a lot of creativity, and it’s always good fun. 

    You Add Rhythm to Any Music

    Music is an amazing gift to give any child. The rhythm they find in music can help them adapt to the music of life. From the gift of the beat to the music played from sheets, being a drummer is an awesome experience, and having a child that plays the drums, it’s rewarding to watch your child grow and learn with time. 

    There is no gift like music, and it can also turn into rewards. You never know who the next Beethoven or J. Cole is, and they could be your kid. That’s an amazing thing to think about, especially when it can all start with their first music lesson. Music can turn into scholarships and even careers if your child truly loves and dedicates time to their craft. 

    If you kid doesn’t know what they want to, see if they want to give music a try. I’m sure they love to listen to music, so why not help them keep the beat and give them the gift of music.

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