R. Kelly’s “Sister Wives” Living The Life at Trump Towers


    The whereabouts of R. Kelly’s girlfriends, Jocelyn Savage and Azriel Clary have been clarified, as they both claim they remain inside the Trump Tower while R. Kelly faces his legal troubles.

    Kelly was recently arrested in Chicago on Friday, July 12 after past employees turned in a total of 20 sex tapes which show Kelly performing sexual acts with minors. He is facing multiple charges including a 13-count indictment which includes enticement of minors, child pornography, and obstruction of justice charges.

    Savage and Clary met Kelly when they were 19 and 17 years old, however both are now in their early twenties. Both of their parents have been vocal in the search for their children. They claim that their whereabouts since Kelly’s arrest have been unknown until now, however, Savage says that her parents know where she is and that her and Clary are not being held against their will.

    Recently, it was reported that both Savage and Clary had been kicked out of Kelly’s apartment inside the Trump Tower following his arrest for two federal indictments. In a clip obtained by TMZ, the two claim that they are doing fine and still remain inside Kelly’s apartment. They even show their Chicago skyline view, and add that they have been here for years willingly.

    Savage did most of the talking in the video, and even goes on to thank Kelly’s fans for their support during his ongoing legal battles. Many are not convinced however, as this type of video reinforces people’s believe that the singer has brainwashed the two victims.

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