Clary posted several snapchats and other clips of her laughing, dancing, and trying on clothes, according to TMZ. However, most of the videos appear to be filmed inside of Kelly’s Trump Tower apartment in Chicago where her and Kelly’s other girlfriend, Jocelyn Savage, live. Despite this fact, her family has seemingly regained hope that Clary is slowly transitioning back into her old self and that the singer is losing his hold over her. Additionally, some of Clary’s old friends have reconnected with her on social media.
The two maintain that they have had phones and that they have been on social media the entire time that they have stayed with Kelly. However, it appears to be more apparent now that Kelly is in custody for new federal charges. Clary can be seen posting sometimes as much as four to five times a day.
While Clary still continuously expresses her love and support for the 52-year-old, her family reportedly sees a true possibility of her coming home with these new social media posts.