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Up and coming in the DMV: Bounce Beat Black

Bounce With His Music

Define your artistry in three sentences

My artistry is very melodic. I believe it’s a good mix between hip hop and GoGo. The instrumentals is more hip hop but the vocals are a lot more on the GoGo side.

How has go-go, DMV regional  music, has influenced you musically?

GoGo is what got me started in music. That’s how I learned to play instruments and learned rhythms and rhymes. If it wasn’t for GoGo and it’s culture I wouldn’t even be involved in music.

Bounce Beat Black is a interesting name, where did that originate from? What does it mean to you?

Bounce Beat Black originated from my GoGo roots, Black was my stage name and I played in TCB who are also known as the Bounce Beat Kings. It only made sense to me to tie it together since that’s where it started for me.

When you’re in the studio, what’s your process? 

I have 2 separate processes when I’m in the studio. The first one is if I have something on my mind that’s meaningful to me and has a message that needs to be put out I’ll take my time to write my thoughts out rehearse the song then record. The second process is for songs that are fun I’ll be spontaneous and just start recording and coming up wit the song as I go.

For collaborations, who would you ideally want to work with? 

Chris Brown or Drake

Where do you see your career in five years?

In five years I see myself being in a position in my career where I can help other artist like me be able to live out their dreams

If you have a million dollars in your hands right now, where would you invest it into and why? 

Real estate because if you own land you pretty much always have money, record label to help push myself and others that I’m willing to help forward.

Where can we find you and your music at?

You can find me on every social media and streaming platform under Bounce Beat Black

Final thoughts?

Stream Love Problems 2 on Spotify, Apple Music & all other platforms.

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