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Cardi B’s Legal Team Slams Blogger in Newest Court Filing ” No Merits Exist in Assault Claim”

If blogger Tasha K thought she would skate through Cardi B’s lawsuit without a vigorous fight she clearly was mistaken. In a new filing, Cardi’s legal team has essentially told the court that the blogger hasn’t provided any evidence that would support a counter-suit against the platinum selling rapper and that her entire countersuit should be tossed out.

In a desperate attempt to gain sympathy from the court, Tasha K’s pro-bona legal team filed a amended complaint against platinum selling recording artist Cardi B. The blogger alleges that she fears for her life due to the fact the rapper decided not to be silence about how Tasha K has been using her name for clout. This legal battle has stemmed from false claims Latasha Kebe aka Tasha K made about the rapper on a YouTube video where she alleges the rapper had an infectious disease which was proven to be false according to our sources.

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