Shocking Footage: A Victoria Secrets “Karen” Attacks Muslim Woman inside Mall


We have seen countless videos of Caucasian women making false claims about assaults towards people of color so its no surprise that another incident of white privilege and discrimination against a black person has reached the doorsteps of one of the most recognized brands in ladies fashion.

The “karen” in question has been identified as Abigail Elphick who is white, launched an attack on a Muslim woman of color identified via a police report as Ijeoma Ukenta, because of a dispute that we are still trying to determine how it began.

This newest “karen” incident is being coined “Get Her Away From Me” because those were the words used by this disturbed woman as she was being recorded making these false claims. It all went down in South Jersey’s Short Hills Mall when the woman of color was simply trying to acquire a pair of “free panties” she was using a coupon she received in the mail.

The victim kept requesting from store employees to call mall security while “karen” was having a tantrum but it was only when her attacker called the police they arrived. The victim released the following statement after the incident:

So, I see everyone asking me for an update. I am at the police station. I have the police report, which is somewhat true, but really, really long. I’m happy I did record because even the officers stated that I only showed him the video of her laying on the floor when I showed him“

“Mind you, they took her statement first because, of course, she called the police. And she completely lied. She’s trying to say I started videotaping her causing her to have a panic attack, at which time she followed me to try to get me to stop recording.”

“So, I’m filing the complaint against the two officers that responded. I didn’t feel protected. I’m also filing a complaint against the mall security. Victoria’s Secret, in my opinion …  like what do we expect them?  Grab this woman? The manager even sent somebody to walk down to get security because they were taking too long. So , I don’t really have any issues with them … not as of yet. Now if they give us problems getting the video, then we’ll talk about that. That’ll be another story.”

Ukenta also read directly from one of the officers report. It read:

I spoke with ‘miss crazy lady’ and advised her that I spoke to the store employee and that they corresponded that what Miss Ukenta had said happened.”

“Miss Elphick seemed to acknowledge that she was wrong, saying she was concerned about losing her job and apartment if the video posted online. She was having a panic attack about the videotaping. I advised her that Miss Ukenta has a right to videotape. I asked her several times if she was alright and if she needed an ambulance. And she declined repeatedly. She kept expressing her concern about her job and apartment. She finally stated that she was going home, and I asked if she would be OK to drive and she says she was. At this time,  Ms. Elphick left the mall voluntarily with mall security.”

To say this video is troubling is an understatement because this type of behavior has resulted in people of color being falsely accused of crimes they did not commit. One case that comes to mind is the case of the Central Park Five who were falsely accused of raping a white woman in the park in the 90’s only to have been proven innocent of the crime after serving substantial prison sentences.

The victim is now seeking legal representation because she believes the police nor did the store employees handle the situation properly and she has set up a Gofundme account so she can hire qualified counsel to represent her in her quest for justice.

This is a developing story.

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