But of Course! Cardi B Receives Victory in Federal Lawsuit Against Blogger Tasha K.


A Federal judge in Atlanta has completely shut down blogger Tasha K’s frivolous counter lawsuit against rap mega star Cardi B. in a blistering ruling that will likely cost the blogger millions of dollars in legal fees she will have to pay Cardi just based on the bogus filing. The suit stems from Cardi B filing a defamation against the blogger and another woman named Starmarie Jones who made false claims that the famous rapper had an STD which was false.

Credit: Dennis Byron

The court ruled in favor of the rapper, saying the blogger, Latasha K, couldn’t prove Cardi was connected to the assault and emotional distress she claims to have suffered back in 2019.

In docs, obtained by TMZ, the judge said Latasha “failed to produce any evidence that [Cardi] herself threatened [Latasha] or made her believe that she was going to harm her.”

The judge continued, “Instead, [Latasha] has only made allegations that others who may be associated with [Cardi] made these threats … and has failed to demonstrate here that the threats … were directed by [Cardi]” or committed by anyone working for her.

The federal judge ripped Tasha K., lawyers for handling the filings in a unprofessional manner and stated that he may look into reporting her attorneys to the Georgia bar association for the way they have been handling the case which should have been a red flag for Tasha K. to get a new legal team or abandon her efforts all together; those options are no longer on the table for her now.

When Latasha Kebe filed her countersuit back in 2019, Cardi’s legal team put out the following statement:

“Tasha K’s counterclaims are completely frivolous and have no merit. Tasha K clearly seems to think that this lawsuit and the courts are her social media channel where she thinks that she can say anything she wants, without regard for the truth, harassing Cardi and her friends to try to gain readers to her blogs at the expense of Cardi. This is failing–Tasha’s owns words in interviews and documents show that her claims are completely false.  Cardi fully expects that Tasha K’s claims will be dismissed, and that at the end of this case, Cardi will be victorious and Tasha K will be held accountable for the blatantly false things she has said, written and posted, about Cardi, that Tasha K knew were false.”

Clearly Cardi’s legal team was spot on with this one.

According to our sources closely connected to the case, Cardi B. fully intends to take her case to a jury trial in hopes of making the pay dearly for the pain and suffering she has received because of the lies that were told against her and her family.

At our estimation, Latasha Kebe and company may owe Cardi B over $250,000.00 in legal fees alone just for fighting the frivolous lawsuit which will likely go into the millions if Cardi prevails in her suit.

This is a developing story.

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