Breaking News: Congressman Who Threatened Leader of Black Militia Group Gets Paid A Visit by Group


After receiving a threat of violence from a sitting congressman on social media, the leader of NFAC (Not Fucking Around Coalition) Grand Master Jay decided to pay the congressman a visit on his home turf in Lafayette, Louisiana to receive a public apology for what he posted on facebook. In this ominous post, sitting congressman Clay Higgins stated the following:

The congressman has since removed the post but not before it was viewed by thousands across the nation. When Grand Master Jay got wind of the post, he couldn’t believe that a member of Congress would issue such a threat to a citizen especially in light of the fact he had someone prosecuted for committing a similar act towards where that person was sentenced to 5 years in federal prison.

Congressman Clay Higgins Issues an Apology via phone but
Grand Master Jay wants a public one

Higgins also is a former Opelousas Police Department officer. He is a supporter of gun rights. But in his post, Higgins warned that those who show up armed to protests will be considered a threat.

“You’re the ones threatening, if you show yourselves, aggressively natured and armed in my presence,” Higgins wrote. “In my neighborhood. Where I work. Anywhere close enough to put my family or my fellow citizens in danger. That is where your journey will end.”

As a result of these actions, the leader of one of the biggest armed militias in America is planning on descending on the City of Lafayette today and Hip Hop Enquirer will be reporting live as the planned event will take place at Parc Sans Souci at 2:00 p.m. with the formation at 4:00 p.m.

Grand Master Jay speaking at the memorial services for Chairman Hashim Nzinga of the NBPP

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