Flo Rida’s a No-Show for Australian Performance & Room Raided


    This past weekend, Flo Rida showed up almost three hours late for a performance he was scheduled for at New Castle’s Fat as Butter festival in Australia. Once Flo Rida finally showed up at the venue he was set to perform at, the promoters said that he was not “in a suitable condition to perform”. The promoters of the show took to Facebook to air out their grievances. Here’s what they had to say:

    The club did everything in its power to meet the needs of Flo Rida and his management. From the demands for late specialty items in his dressing room, to offering to pay all transport expenses to get him and his entourage to the venue (after his own arrangements supposedly fell through).

    We understand the level of disappointment everyone must have felt, especially his younger fans. We too are extremely disappointed given the pride we take in presenting professional live music events.

    Flo Rida took to Twitter to apologize to his Australian fans.

    But there’s more to the story! That same day, Flo Rida’s “personal assistant” Dakari Dalawn Phillips was arrested and fined after Flo Rida’s hotel room was raided due to reports of a “strong smell of burnt cannabis”.

    According to prosecutor Colleen Wainwright, A search of the hotel room netted the following:

    A clip seal bag with 16g of green leafy material
    A joint with 1g of cannabis
    Three grinders
    A set of scales covered in specks of green leafy material
    A gold capsule of tetrahydra cannabis
    A viagra tablet
    A 10ml bottle of liquid cannabis
    A Uzi taser

    Hold up, we’re still not done yet. After his court appearance, Phillips decided to try his luck with a female reporter and let’s just say that didn’t work out too good for him either!


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    1 Comment

    1. You need to get your facts right before you report them as “fact”. Flo Rida did not show up 3 hours late to the Fat as Butter concert in Newcastle – he did not even leave his hotel room in Sydney! Then his show later that night at Mounties in Sydney he showed up 3 hours later and was not in a condition to perform at this all ages show. Perhaps is was all those drugs?

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