Wale Tops Billboard Charts with Sophomore Effort, Ambition


    While most of our still using Wale’s sophomore album, Ambition, as the soundtrack to our days, it looks like all of the Maybach Music artist’s hard work and ambition are finally paying off. Ambition sold 164,062 units in its first week and is #2 on the Billboard charts, only to be topped by Justin Bieber’s Christmas album, Under the Mistletoe.

    Although Ambition is Wale’s sophomore album, his first album Attention Deficit was released on Interscope Records back in 2009, and only sold 28,000 copies in its first week. We can only wonder if Wale’s major increase in sales this time around came strictly from his growth as an artist or was it largely due to the major promo push it received from the people over at MMG? In my opinion, it’s a mixture of both factors. Either way, Maybach Music definitely seems to be the right fit for Wale and his brand of DC-inspried Hip Hop.


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