Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine, LLC Uncategorized Breaking News!! Police Officer Charged with Beating Child to Death

Breaking News!! Police Officer Charged with Beating Child to Death

Nattyo Gray, a Vice and Narcotics officer in Jackson, Mississippi has been charged with beating his one year old daughter resulting in her death from internal bleeding. ”The baby died of injuries that were described as blunt force trauma to the abdomen area. Certainly from what I know right now, the baby was in the sole care of Detective Gray” said Lee Vance, Assistant Chief of the Jackson Police Department.

“It’s an unspeakable tragedy, an outrage. It’s as bad as it gets in my personal opinion, when a vulnerable baby is murdered like this. And, yeah, it compounds it when a police officer is involved but certainly you can’t take that and make it an indictment on the other 450 of us who come to work every day and try to make the city safe,”  said Chief Vance.

Gray has yet to make any public statements, and remains in jail. He has not been released into the jail’s general population due to his work as a detective and the repercussions that may come with him being housed with the other inmates.


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