HHE Hip Hop Honey of the Week: Video Vixen, Celebrity Chef, & Actress @Esther_Baxter (Check her out now)!


    Esther Baxter, you may recognize her as Miss ‘Freek-A-Leek’ from her screen-time in Petey Pablo’s Rap music video ‘Freek-A-Leek.’ The hip-hop beauty has been featured in music videos by Kanye West, Pablo, Nelly and more. Her curvy frame and beautiful face has given her the power to appeal to the masses. Follow Baxter on Twitter at Esther_Baxter.


    [kkytv id=”OXJggZc4Mug”] 

    VIDEO CLIP: Petey Pablo’s “Freek-A-Leek” Official Music Video

    VIDEO CLIP: Esther Baxter’s KING Magazine Teaser Video. HHE sat down with the brown goddess for an exclusive interview where she shared some of her favorite recipes and how she has been able to maintain her sexy.

    Follow Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine on Twitter | @HipHopEnquirer

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