Colorado’s Governor Tells Potheads To “Hold Off On The Cheetos” After State Legalizes Marijuana (Video Inside)


    Weed smokers arcoss the country rejoiced when the news came out that Colorado voted to legalize smoking marijuana. Hold up! It’s nothing to get too excited about just yet.  The governor warned  tokers not to “break out the Cheetos or Goldfish” just yet, since the federal  government still takes a dim view of pot.

    Colorado joined Washington in becoming the first states to  legalize recreational use of marijuana Tuesday night, setting up a battle  between the states and the federal government, which prohibits use of the drug.  The historic votes were among a host of decisions on ballot initiatives that  will shape state-level policy on everything from recreational drug use to  same-sex marriage. But Gov. John Hickenlooper, who opposed the marijuana  measure, said the federal government still considers marijuana taboo, so  breaking out the bong could be premature.

    “The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will,” Hickenlooper  said. “This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That  said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug, so don’t break out  the Cheetos or Goldfish too quickly.”

    The Colorado measure has sparked a national debate about marijuana policy,  with supporters pushing for the federal government to end marijuana prohibition  nationwide. The Colorado measure states adults over 21 can possess up to 1 ounce  of marijuana, or six marijuana plants, for personal use. Opponents have said it  will make the state a haven for drug tourists.

    The measure in Washington State, Initiative 502, will legalize and regulate  the production, possession and distribution of marijuana for residents age 21  and older.

    The new law will impose a 25 percent tax rate on marijuana when the grower  sells it to the processor, when the processor sells it to the retailer and when  the retailer sells it to the customer. The measure could bring in $500 million,  a figure analysts dispute.

    Voters in Oregon defeated a ballot measure that would have allowed the commercial  growth and sale of marijuana to adults. Known as Measure 80, it would have  legalized pot through state-licensed stores, allowed unlicensed growth and use  of marijuana by adults and prohibit restrictions on pot.

    The same in Arkansas, where voters rejected the same measure to legalize medical marijuana. Head up north and residents of Massachusetts supported a similar measure relaxing on marijuana laws.

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