Nas Speaks Up About the Django N-Word Controversy (Video Inside)



    Rap legend Nas has spoken about the Django N-word controversy, and surprisingly, he chooses sides. Just recently, film-maker Spike Lee blasted Tarantino for his creation of such a movie that uses the n-word so vigorously.

    Now, Nas, who almost named his 2008 Untitled album, the N-word, just couldn’t grasp Spike’s point of view on this movie. Nas told MTV:

    I didn’t see what the big fuss was about,” he said matter-of-factly, pointing out that the term worked in the context of a Spaghetti Western revisiting the horrors of slavery, from a director known for his “language” and “goriness.” “It’s a movie, movies by [Tarantino], why should we be surprised if the movie is raw? … He’s one of the greatest filmmakers of our generation, and we don’t go there to see anything less than rawness. He’s an artist, and artists have to express themselves.

    Apparently, many in the music world are confused as to why Spike Lee opposes this film. Just a few days ago, Miami’s own Uncle Luke gave his two cents, saying, “Screw Spike Lee.” We want to know what you think about the N-word being used in Django. What are your thoughts?

    Check out this recent Nas interview:

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @hiphopenquirer

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