Yandy Smith’s Boyfriend Mendeecees Harris Facing Drug Charges (Video Inside)


    yandy smith

    While Yandy Smith released her inner Beyonce on this week’s episode of Love and Hip Hop NY and did  a custom striptease video for her long-time boo and baby’s father, Mendeecees Harris, it looks like things aren’t as great for the couple in real life.

    Just recently, The Urban Daily reported that Mendeecees finally turned himself in to the Rochester police, on an indictment for drug trafficking and has been incarcerated since January 24th.

    Apparently, Mendeecees had been under investigation, and is allegedly to be involved in a drug trafficking ring that allegedly moved over $2.5 million worth of drugs between 2005 and 2012. Police have seized well over 400K in jewelry, and are pushing the envelope on seizing property in Georgia and Baltimore.

    Harris is being charged along with two other men for allegedly trafficking heroine and cocaine throughout the Rochester, NY area. Mendeecees will be arraigned in Rochester after he finishes up with current trial proceedings in New Jersey. The two men being accused with him have both plead not guilty.

    Let’s not forget that Mendeecees is also facing charges for allegedly sexually abusing a minor (15-year old girl) in New Jersey. The trial for that case started yesterday (February 5), where he plead not guilty to charges of aggravated sexual assault, criminal sexual contact and child endangerment

    Despite all of that, it looks like Yandy Smith is riding for her man. Check out a clip below from Madame Noire, featuring a look into Yandy and Mendeecess’ highly publicized relationship.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @hiphopenquirer

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