Exclusive: Day 3 of Live Coverage of the George Zimmerman Murder Trial by Hip Hop Enquirer

    George Zimmerman is escorted into the courtroom by armed Sheriffs.
    George Zimmerman is escorted into the courtroom by armed Sheriffs.
    George Zimmerman is escorted into the courtroom by armed Sheriff

    Our own Dennis Byron is reporting live from inside the courtroom in Sanford, Florida in the case of Florida v. George Zimmerman. Yesterday’s courtroom coverage consisted of continued  questioning of potential jurors who will be selected to sit on the panel for this very high profile trial.

    Trayvon's mother and father (Tracy Martin and Sabrina Fulton) arrives at court
    Trayvon’s mother and father (Tracy Martin and Sabrina Fulton) arrives at court

    The daunting task for both the George Zimmerman defense team consisting of Mark o Mara and Don West is to pick 6 jurors who will be fair and inpartial in deciding the fate of  George Zimmerman.

    Follow @hiphopenquirer now for minute by minute updates as the juror selection is currently happening.

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