Just Disrespectful! The South Park Show Spoofs George Zimmerman


    south park

    By YBW

    After a jury delivered a not guilty verdict in the death of slain teen Trayvon Martin at the hands of his killer George Zimmerman, the show South Park has decided to take on this controversial topic that lead to the death of Martin. A spoof on the movie World War Z, the show takes on the Zimmerman trial.

    Here’s the description of the upcoming episode: “The world faces de@th, destruction, chaos and Eric Cartman in all-new episode of ‘South Park’ titled ‘World War Zimmerman’ … Cartman is deeply disturbed by a single person who he sees as a threat to all humanity. He races around the country to put an end to Patient Zero, the ticking time bømb that is Token.”

    Of course, Token is the black character on South Park, hence the name “Token”.

    South Park’s history of airing controversial episodes goes back as far as the show. Probably the most controversial episode is “Trapped in the Closet” since it mocked  scientology as well scientologist Tom Cruise. South Park was actually forced to stop airing that episode after Cruise allegedly began making waves.

    Will you be watching?

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