Beyoncé: The Epitome Of A Hustler and Businesswoman


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    Beyoncé, known to her die hard fans as “Queen Bey” is definitely still a “World Wide Woman” in the eyes of many. She has conquered everything from music to fashion and still plans to take on major projects. One market that has people turning heads is the fragrance market. Fans went crazy over Heat and Pulse; Pulse was nominated in two major women’s prestige categories for the FIFI Awards (the premier awards of the fragrance industry) in 2012: Best Packaging and Top 5 FIFI Finalist. Check out more fragrances from Beyoncé on her website or on Facebook.

    Beyoncé has a new fragrance Rise, which is set to be released February 2014 hopefully in time for Valentine’s Day! Although the design for the bottle is already set in stone you can submit your fragrance fan art to Beyoncé Parfums for a chance to be featured in the album. 

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    “The fragrance concept is about female empowerment and finding the inner strength that makes women so beautiful,” revealed Marsha Brooks, vice president of global marketing for Coty Beauty.

    We’ll see if the new fragrance can take home an award adding to her many accomplishments!

    Photo Credit: Vibe

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