St. Louis Cops Recorded Threatening A Black Man To Frame Someone For Murder Or Else Lock Him Up [Video]


    We all know that a lot of police are crooked and dirty and have been framing people for crimes they didn’t commit for years but the complaints fall on deaf ears.  Well two crooked  St. Louis cops  might find themselves behind bars for trying to force a man to frame someone else or get locked up himself.  News station KMOV reports,

    “A north St. Louis man claims he was unfairly handcuffed and detained by St. Louis Metropolitan Police and has the video to prove it.

    On Monday Terry Robinson, 21, said officers saw him outside in the Blair neighborhood, handcuffed him and pretended to drive back to the police station. Robinson caught the conversation inside the police cruiser on his cell phone.

    Robinson has been arrested before and is currently on probation.  He said he promised his mother that, if she got him a good lawyer, he would stay out of trouble.

    He is reportedly back in school and working to turn his life around. If he gets in trouble again, he faces at least nine years in prison.  

    He said for weeks, two officers have been harassing him, claiming they want him to give up a name of anyone they can plant a gun on or else they’ll arrest him.

    When asked where the gun was, Robinson said they had one but never showed it to him. The officers told him “I have a fully-loaded 38.”

    Officers were unaware that Robinson was filming the ride on his cell phone.

    “Your nine years are going to seem like four times more. I know y’all said you need a gun and a body, got to have a body with it,” said NAME. “I don’t need no gun case. You know I’ll get you somebody.”

    Robinson said they made it very clear what they’d do if he didn’t give up a name.

     “If you don’t give me anything in the next 24-hours then I’ll write this case up as you ran from me but you got away. But I know who you are and you had this gun.”

    While in the cruiser, Robinson pleaded with officers to give him a little more time.

    But instead of finding another man to arrest, Robinson contacted his lawyer. The video has been turned over to authorities and detectives with internal affairs are investigating.”

    Crimes like this happen everyday but get dismissed by their fellow officers and the courts.  Just imagine if he wasn’t able to record the conversation, Terry Robertson would have been violated and serving time in prison right now.  N.W.A. said it best…

    N.W.A. – F**k Tha Police by AntiFlag607

    Follow us on Twitter@HipHopEnquirer and Michael “Ice-Blue” Harris @IceBlueVA

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