Breaking: LA SupperClub Releases Official Statement Involving Brawl “TI and The Game” Not Responsible


    Screenshot 2014-05-02 08.02.41

    The other night there was a brawl that occurred outside of the popular Los Angeles hot spot SupperClub where several people were involved in a fight with the club’s perimeter contract security. In a shocking video that was released by, you can clearly see the security delivering merciless blows to two men who were lying on the ground. What followed the senseless assault, thrust rap stars TI and the Game at the center of attention for all the wrong reasons. Hip Hop Enquirer has received an official statement from the Supper Club where they clearly acknowledged that the fight was the result of a rogue contract security guard.

    The events that happened in the parking lot behind Supperclub Los Angeles in the early hours of Wednesday morning are severely disheartening, leaving our company and organization frustrated, and our Hollywood neighbors saddened.

    An unfortunate escalation between an angry on-looker who was denied entry to Supperclub, and a rogue security officer who took matters too far, led to an untenable altercation, which represented the worst in all of us.

    Although T.I. and The Game were in the parking lot during this time, they were not directly involved with this incident. Community leader “Big U”, of Developing Options, was in fact, not arrested, contrary to false reports, and had no part in this altercation. The third party security company that was hired for this outside promotional event, is not a part of Supperclub Los Angeles, and will never be booked by Supperclub, or the venue’s outside promotional vendors again.

    The owners, management and family of Supperclub vehemently condemn this act, and any act of violence, as it directly contradicts its core philosophies of celebration of the arts, food and culture.

    While the club’s official statement pointed to only one individual responsible for starting the fight, it is apparent from the video footage that other security guards joined in on the fight especially one in particular where you can see him deliver 3-4 kicks to someone’s groin area who was lying on the ground. Why didn’t the police arrest that individual? Why arrest the person who was getting the crap stomped out of him? Why were the police holding shotguns at waist length on people who were not even involved in the fight? These are just some of the questions that should be answered.

    Clearly the LAPD has a history of brutality against minorities and this incident could have spiraled out of control had it not been for rapper TI telling the angry crowd that the police wasn’t responsible for that senseless beat down.

    What lessons could be learned from this situation? Leave us a comment below.

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