Smoke and Mirrors? Ferguson Police Chief Accusing Dead Teen Michael Brown of Strong Arm Robbery Releasing Grainy Video As Proof


    Controversy continues as the tragic death of Michael Brown has led to civil unrest and the people are demanding answers. The 18-year old college bound African-American was shot at numerous times by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Investigators are still putting together information based on the officer and witnesses. Witnesses reported that the two teens were confronted by a Ferguson police officer who has since been identified as Darren Wilson, a six-year veteran of the department who allegedly told the two to get out of the street. Witnesses also stated that when Michael Brown went to speak with the officer, he was pulled into the police vehicle and when Brown attempted to push away, he was shot. The officer then stepped from his vehicle and fired upon Brown another 5-7 rounds which resulted in the teen’s death.


    Witnesses also stated that Brown had put his arms up in surrender saying that he was unarmed and the now identified police officer killed him without provocation.

    To make matters worse, Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson decided to release a grainy video purporting to be Michael Brown committing a strong-arm robbery at a convenience store moments before his death however, nothing in the video could positively identify Brown as the real person committing the crime. Even if Brown did shoplift a box of cigars as the police chief thinks, what does that have to do with the manner in which he was killed?

    It appears that the Ferguson police chief is engaging in smear tactics against this young teen while deflecting the fact that he was  killed without cause.

    ferguson police chief
    Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Brown’s family who also was the same attorney that represented Trayvon Martin’s family, told USA TODAY the release of the officer’s name alongside a robbery report naming Brown as a suspect “smoke and mirrors.”

    “There was nothing based on the facts that have been placed before us that would justify this execution style murder by this police officer in broad daylight,” Crump said. “It’s not enough that they assassinated him in broad daylight in the middle of the street. They also have to assassinate his character to try to get away with it.”

    He said police were trying to divert the public’s attention from the crux of the issue. He added that police only releasing photos of the robbery suspect and not Wilson shows that the department will not be transparent.

    He said Brown’s family believes the police strategically waited to release the officer’s name to justify the fatal shooting.

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