Daughter of Man with 34 Kids Puts Iyanla Vanzant on Blast “What About The Children?”



    In a scathing letter that was written by the first child of Jay Williams, the man who has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network show “Iyanla Fix My Life” which is hosted by lifestyle expert Iyanla Vanzant has blasted the show for only being interested in giving her father a platform to aid him in coming to grips with his demons that resulted in having 17 baby mothers and 34 kids. Jay’s daughter Tanisha penned a very detailed and heartfelt letter to the show’s host Iylana seeking answers. Check out her letter below:

    “Thank you For Fixing My Father”


    Before your show I never felt like just one of 34. I have always had a great and close relationships with 8 of my siblings that I do know. We have a very supportive and loving family overall. We are in constant contact, so it has always felt totally normal. Sure, I always knew that I had an unusual amount of siblings out there, and yes, I RESENTED my father for it. I never, however, despised what he created. All of my siblings are a blessing and they all matter, but I resented what he would NOT do. Yes my mother is the first, and she is amazing woman, nothing short of an inspiration.  She has done great on her own, despite my father’s absence, and having so many children, it would be asinine to say he wasn’t necessary. It was just extremely difficult for us to expect anything from him at all. Let’s be honest, you cannot expect a man with 34 children to do something as ordinary as tucking you into bed every night.  You certainly cannot expect that same man to put you and your 33 siblings through college. You cannot expect to see him during the holidays, your birthday, or even at your college graduation. Zero expectations, zero consistency. What does a person like that teach a child about how to socialize? Have no expectations? Have no voice? Set no boundaries? I will admit that I have had to ask myself each of those questions at different points in my life but the reoccurring question was always:  “When will the day come when my Father will be held accountable and how?”

    I thought that day had come when I was invited to join you on your show “Iyanla fix my life.” You were featuring a segment on my father, the man who has 34 biological children with 17 different women. When I was asked to participate I was apprehensive simply because I was not buying it. There was no way that anyone could “fix” my Father. His poor choices have disappointed me, and so many others countless times and I never thought the day would come where he would truly have the opportunity to face his demons. I fought with myself for a bit about my participation, but call it curiosity or wishful thinking, I decided to continue with the show.

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