Better Late Than Never! Kid Cudi Links Up With Old Friends To Help Create “Man On The Moon III”



Cleveland rapper, Scott “Kid CuDi” Mescudi, was on twitter tweeting to producer Emile Haynie saying that it is time to get to work on a new album, “Man On The Moon III.”

Fans feel as it is about time being that the rapper promised that the album would be released in 2013. Instead Cudi let fans down by releasing several sub-par albums instead. On Tuesday Cudi tweeted, “I can’t/won’t make MOTM3 w/o Pat, Emile & A Trak in the studio. We started together, we finish this together. It’s time I assemble the team.”

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The tweet received a few responses from Cudi’s longtime friends and producers Alain “A-Trak” Macklovitch and Patrick “Plain Pat” Reynolds. Cudi also added he needed producer and mixing engineer, Dot Da Genius, on board as well.

It safe to say the Cudi’s music has been in a bit of slump lately. Hopefully MOTM3 is just what the doctor ordered for Cudi’s career.

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