President Obama Does Post State of The Union Interview with 3 Youtube Stars


    In a bid to promote his State of the Union address, President Obama did something no other US president has ever done and that was to sit down with three individuals who host their own youtube channels where each have interviewed many individuals and all have a combined following of over 13 million people.

    The President tackled some serious, though not too probing questions from comedian GloZell Green and Hank Green, no relation, the latter whom with his brother hosts a YouTube channel called VlogBrothers. The three interviewers have a combined following of 13.8 million.

    “I have a lot of close friends who are Cuban Americans, and I’ve heard the stories of their families escaping,” GloZell Green told Obama. “The guy puts dic in dictatorship. How do you justify dealing with the Castros?”

    Obama explained his recent move to renew diplomatic relations with Cuba, aruging the United States’ decades long embargo has not worked toward bringing democracy to the island. Watch the video above to here some of the touch questions the president had to answer by these youtube stars.

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