DojoLife Presents #ArtistCircle Cypher X Open Mic Event!

    Detroit has always been the place were young creatives could get together and make magic. On Sunday night, Hip Hop Enquirer got to witness that exact magic as artists from all over the city gathered for the “Artist Circle: Rap Edition” event, were entertainers get to perform or freestyle their original material in font of cheering crowds. Hosted by Kishia Streetz and T tuck, the cypher X open mic event took place on Fischer St at Mack Alive, a 23-year-old non-profit organization that serves Detroit’s eastside area.
    Presented by DojoLife, which was created to serve as the premier alternative to conventional entertainment to stimulate the mind, body, and soul.
    For more information on upcoming events, check out the website
    2015-01-11 21.35.03-1
    britney stoney feat performer coolkidz kish1 sophiyah elizabeth performers
    Follow us on Twitter @Hiphopenmquirer

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