Omarion’s Ex-girlfriend Apryl Jones Talks Motherhood, Business and New Music


    Apryl Jones

    Apryl Jones talks Motherhood, Business, & New Music.

    Apryl Jones multi-faceted entertainer, mother of singer Omarion‘s son 2-year-old Megaa and daughter 15-month old A’mei is more than just a mom. She’s a mom that wants to inspire all women to create beautiful lives despite their circumstances.

    HHE had the opportunity to catch up with Apryl in her hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. Where she hosted an Apryl Wine’s wine tasting event. In a very short but candid interview, Apryl opened up about motherhood and how her relationship with Omarion paused her music career.

    Azizah: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. How does it feel being back in your hometown of Cincinnati?

    Apryl: Good, I haven’t been back here since my grandmother passed away in 2010. It’s been 8 years, but it feels good to come and visit to catch up with friends and family.

    Balancing Motherhood and Business

    Azizah: You have a lot of great things happening for you, a new wine line. Two beautiful babies, how do you manage to balance everything?

    Apryl: I’m a very raw and straight to the point kind of woman so when people ask me that I always say. I don’t know? How do you do it, I wake up and I don’t know how I do it, all I know is that I have to get it done.  My babies are my motivation,  I have to hustle for them.  Having that mentality has helped me to able to get by, I have been able to create new wines and even write a book. It’s not about me anymore I have two babies I have to take care of now, it’s not just me. They have given me so much motivation that it’s very different from when I wasn’t a mother and single now I feel purpose.

    Azizah: One of the things I loved about you in Love & Hip Hop Hollywood was your stance on choosing to give birth at home. What motivated you do make that choice?

    Apryl: What inspired me was a documentary called “The Business of Being Born” by Ricki Lake. After watching her make her transition from hospital birth to home birth, I decided that a home-birth would be the best choice for me. Then I got a midwife who is still a dear friend to this day. She gave me the knowledge that I needed to be brave enough to birth at home.

    Azizah: I thought it was really cool of you to use a platform like Love & Hip Hop Hollywood to choose a natural birth. Was that your intention?

    Apryl: My intention was to have the best birth experience for me and my baby. I think women should be able to choose birth experiences that make them comfortable, there is not just one way to birth. 

    Getting back to being Apryl

    Azizah: Okay, so you have a new wine line, you mentioned a new book, what else is in the works for Apryl Jones?

    Apryl: I’m working on a fashion collection for my children. I’m in the process of finishing my book. And I am going back to the music.

    Azizah: Going back to music?

    Apryl: Yes, going back. I stopped pursuing my music career for a while because of my relationship with Omarion. I was relying on him to help me with my music because he didn’t want me working a lot of people. So with having my children and Omarion and I breaking up, I am now at a place where I am ready to pursue music again. I’m ready to get back to being Apryl again.

    Azizah: You feel like you are at peace with things in your life. Would you say that’s true?

    Apryl: I am at peace. I’m happy and life is good.

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