Eric Bolling Apologizes!!!

    Eric Bolling, President Barack Obama
    eric bolling apologizes
    Eric Bolling & President Barack Obama


    Author: Sylvia Burley

    Oops FOX did it again.What did they do?  Say something stupid of course! FOX Business Network’s Eric Bolling apologizes for using racist language. The host of Follow the Money issued the apology during a segment that aired last week.

    “We got a little fast and loose with the language,” Bolling said, “and we know it’s being interpreted as disrespectful, and for that I’m sorry.”

    In a segment that aired on Friday, Bolling referred to the White House as the “Hizzouse” and “Hizzy, and President Obama’s guests–including Gabon President Ali Bongo–as “hoods.

    “We did go a bit too far,” Bolling admitted.

    In my opinion, this is a lame apology.

    Bolling states that his remarks are being “interpreted” in a certain way, as if there is any other way to take them.

    You went a bit too far?  Other journalists have been fired over much less!

    This just goes to show how little respect certain segments of society, and most assuredly the people at FOX, have for President Obama.  It’s getting harder and harder for some of them to hide their white hoods.

    And if you don’t know when it’s appropriate to use rap lingo…JUST DON’T DO IT!

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @HipHopEnquirer





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