Tale of The Tape! 50 Cent & Floyd Mayweather Go Blow For Blow On Social Media


    Words by Shamika Sanders

    Floyd Mayweather may be a champion boxer, but 50 Cent isn’t backing down from the social media brawl that has us more captivated than an episode of Power. From herpes to illiteracy, 50 and Floyd are laying it all out in the ring.

    In case you missed it, former Money Team besties 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather ended their friendship and have taken to social media to expose each other in a messy spectacle worthy of pay-per-view dollars. The beef apparently started when Floyd copped a rare $18 million “billionaire watch,” which he posted on his Instagram page, prompting a response from 50 who wrote, “Man they found the 1 ni**a in the world, dumb enough to buy that watch.”

    Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BkiDdW-g0oi/?taken-by=floydmayweather

    Floyd didn’t take kindly to 50’s comment and took off swinging, attacking 50’s publically strained relationship with his son, financial problems and accusing the rapper of being a “herpes infested rat.” (We’re pretty sure he meant in “infected,” but we digress).

    Instagram post:


    Not to be outdone, 50 responded with his own receipts, including Mayweather’s long documented criminal record. “He beat 50 men and 11 women, he wrote. Even more disturbing, 50 accused Floyd of being on Facetime with his friend Earl Mosely, who was “confronting” Floyd about allegedly sleeping with his wife Stephanie, before murdering her and taking his own life.

    Instagram post:




    While we’re all tuned in to the social media show, we’d be foolish not to consider this all to be a publicity stunt as we’ve seen 50 do plenty of times before. In 2012, 50 and Floyd engaged in a similar verbal sparring to promote Floyd’s then headphone company SMS Audio.

    Tweet: https://twitter.com/50cent/status/265405313061122048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E265405313061122048&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.maxim.com%2Fsports%2F50-cent-floyd-mayweather-beef-instagram-2018-7

    Whatever 50 and Floyd’s motives are, one things for sure, be careful who you tell your business to because it may come back to bite you in the ass.

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