Kanye Apologizes for Slave Comments and Gets Emotional


    Kanye has made some pretty off the wall comments over the years. He’s known for his smart mouth and doesn’t really care what the repercussions are most of the time. But that’s why we love him. Ye has qualities that we don’t see in people too often, and when he speaks we listen.

    That’s why when things started to go a little “right” it was disappointing. He became very vocal about his political views. They’re his opinions, so we let him have them. But then he went on TMZ and did that controversial interview, where he claimed: “slavery was choice”. The Black community expressed mixed feelings about the whole thing, but the consensus was that he lost his mind. Eventually, it became a meme on Twitter, but that didn’t change the gravity of what he said. Someone who we were so used to advocating for us, had seemingly flipped the script.

    He danced around what he said for a while. People asked about it in interviews and it was either no explanation or no words at all. It was a clear miscommunication but we needed to hear that from him.

    Here he sits down with the hosts of the WGCI morning show. In this interview, he makes a clear apology for what he said. There are tears, and hugs exchanged with Kendra G because his apology was so encompassing. He explains how he’s feeling about his career and how hard it’s been these last couple of years. Kanye mentions having a lot on his plate, and negativity with no support system. He becomes very emotional when explaining how unloved and alone he feels, having to stop and take a breather.

    So, we can’t write Kanye off just yet. It looks like he’s heading for a reckoning and a comeback. Take a look at the video below.

    [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VqH0MBhQfg[/embedyt]

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