Charlie Kirk Denounced By Blacks And #Maga Ignores PR Crisis


First, let me start off by saying Black Trump supporters are free thinkers eager to take a risk that may land them in a better place in life and that is beyond admirable and brave. Everyone should be allowed to choose their walk in life. and I too am a Black Trump supporter.

Now let\s get to the matter at hand. I cried a few times today before I finally got so fed up and contacted my boss to express how upset and disrespected I feel by Republicans and TPUSA.  By the grace of God I have not lost my invite to the barbeque or my many logins to urban media magazines. Thank the lord so I can tell you all the real tea that Conservative media is ignoring and must be addressed.

Charlie Kirk, the “President and CEO” of is a 24-year-old white man from Chicago Illinois who MAGA has foolishly positioned with so much power that he and his supporters actually believe he impacts black people like MLK did.

I am so furious at this pickle juice and ham sandwich BS I can barely see straight Have these people lost their minds? The black community is a very complex community and one thing  WE do not do is hold national awards or ceremonies and exclude people we don’t like. Yes, the BET Awards invites all the black leaders and seats them accordingly but the CEO at BET knows dividing the black community will kill award show season. They need all the famous celebs who were popping on the charts to attend so their fans will not be disappointed. It is the FANS of these celebs aka BLACK LEADERS that spend the money to keep BET a network. TPUSA is stupid and needs to hire a PUBLICIST or they will fold into themselves in the next few weeks. I promise when I start writing Ithe gloves are off. Just ask Kim Kardashian. Bless her heart.

Well when you don’t actually give a F about the black community you don’t take the time to learn how we operate in our community and what is considered appropriate or not. When someone drags Beyonce or Janet Jackson black twitter will drag them to hell and back again for a retweet. When you paint yourself as an org that is causing some imaginary black exit from the “Democrat Plantation”…. but you have not taken the time to actually study the leaders in that community you break the number 1 rule… Trumpers go hard for Trump. Black people go hard for people we view as black leaders and when you do not acknowledge our leaders you shut your own door TPUSA. TPUSA destroyed their “open to all” image when they invited (baited) a bunch of black people with no resumes or press/red carpet accolades to an event meant to celebrate BLACK LEADERS. You cannot exclude black leaders in a black leader summit and expect all blacks to feel like you aren’t on some BS , It is great for the kids but the actual outcome looks like blatant cult-like non inclusiveness and since the black community is big on having our own so we don’t get excluded seeing an event where we saw not a single face we recognize was the end of buying that lie.

First of all, it is very easy to reach out to prominent blacks in the community to help your event not appear to be using people who really just want to be on the scene and view a meeting at the white house as a “golden ticket” I do not care about being on the scene anymore. I do care about the black community though because I happen to be black and I get so sick and tired of getting my hopes up that we may be experiencing an awakening and new unity but then BAM it’s just another publicity stunt. I need the world to change I need Dems and Republicans to understand that I have been emotionally affected by all of the racial tension in America. I have been stalked. I have had 2 men show up at my house. I have been called Niggers and coons. I have been threatened to be killed and raped for standing with MAGA and to sit here and watch TPUSA disrespect what I and other actual BLACK LEADERS are trying and willing to do with our platforms and putting our lives on the line to be treated as if our presence has no value and can be overruled by a 24yr old white kid, will not be tolerated ever. I have not gone through all of this to be alienated by a 24yr old kid who doesn’t know shit about my life, my struggles or what it has taken to get out of bed for the last 4yrs after I lost my entire family.  I saw maga as my new family I still have hope but they do not hear me on Twitter they treat me like I am just some random acct hating instead of a BLACK LEADER who is valid and has valid concerns

When people treat you like you have no power show them your power with google search engines and put it in a headline before Midterms so people will get the hint,  Do not “David Hogg” black trump supporters with a 24yr old kid who knows nothing about the black community or our leaders, our media personalities, or anyone in the black community.

It is so unwise to piss off a black publicist if you want to have access to platforms that blacks actually look at because the majority of us do not even know who Charlie Kirk is. Kanye West said Candace Owens name and then he allowed them to show up at TMZ with him and that is the only reason anyone black knows who THE HELL he is. They are using Kanye’s fame. Nobody black has been moved by Charlie Kirk except Candace because he pays her to care. So they basically tricked a bunch of blacks who thought the summit would help them, into buying plane tickets and hotels rooms… no seriously…. LOL the saddest part was seeing so many black Trumper’s asking people to help them get to the TPUSA Black Leaders event. Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk love to throw out the words $100,000 when trying to bait a Democrat for a conversation so they can get more clout but god forbid the young black leaders who are literally being used to make Candace Owens appear as some loving, well-received icon in the black community, cannot financially help these kids, help her, with her BS FREAK SHOW PUBLICity STUNT that I am sure she masturbated too last night

No this was not a historic moment for blacks. they hyped it up like all these celebs were gonna be there, and then they Kicked a HOTEP out. YES, a hotep…. Hoteps supported MAGA before the walkaway movement became a hashtag. The blatant not give a crap about the dynamics in the black community by allowing a white man who is 24years old and on the SPLC website as modern day KKK leader, kicking out a hotep who was loyal before Kanye is a PR CRISIS!!!!. I have no words only rage because let’s face it guys. That kid does not have good intentions for me my son any black person. He removed one of the only famous black men from the event and has convinced MAGA that Hotep said something Anti-Semitic… Well I did look into what was said and Anti-Jewish people are not good people but Hotep was not trashing the Jewish faith and the article that was written about him is by the Daily Beast Will Sommer, who has slandered several of my past clients and thrives on the HIT piece. I am disgusted, Hotep was used for months to make TPUSA look like they had black support and is no longer deemed worthy aka they have no need for his Twitter presence anymore and feel like there would be no backlash from blacks if they treated him like he was a subhuman commodity.

To conclude my rant and denouncing of TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk is to say, when you think you can treat people however you want and you assume your associations deem you worthy of dominating and believing you have black royalty status when you ain’t nothing to me or any other black single mothers, because WE KNOW HE DO NOT CARE ABOUT US FOR REAL and has no self awareness at all.

Charlie KKKirk and Candace Owens, you do need to be massively well-liked by BLACKS to keep up any further delusions that millions of us like you and want anything to do with either of you. Walk the talk. Stop tweeting fake bs, and excluding people and being trashy humans and go actually get to know the black community and make a mark that will last on our hearts. All this pretending is over. You need to really do what you keep claiming you are capable of

I will gladly continue to use black media outlets to warn other blacks that ALL black Trumpers are not buying it and TPUSA are trying to trick everyone instead of actually trying to get to know us Shame on Donald Trump if he  fully grasps that they are not well received by the majority of blacks and still keeps trying to force them on us.  No means no.

Please stop doing that you will force blacks to chose and they will not choose Charlie, when feeling like MAGA may have an evil nazi trying to take over the black community.

Editor’s note:

Remember to vote Democrat in the midterm elections. Let’s take our country back!

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