And the Grammy Goes To….Pause?! @Frank_Ocean Arrested for Allegedly Doing the Nasty in A Moving Car!


    frank ocean laugh

    According to it looks like Odd Future crooner, Frank Ocean couldn’t wait until he got back to the house to get a little loving from his latest boo-thing. Frank was recently detained by police after they spotted him and a “friend” getting frisky in the front seat of their car.

    Frank and an unknown companion were allegedly spending the holidays together in Mono County, California when Frank was detained by police and put in the backseat of a squad car. The “Pyramids” singer tweeted a picture from the back seat of the cop car with the caption, “Worst Trip Ever”. We can’t blame Frank though, you haven’t lived life until you’ve been pulled over by cops for getting freaky in a vehicle. Isn’t that what they say?


    Via Sandra Rose

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