Dr. Boyce Watkins

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Dr Boyce Watkins: NYPD Uses Officers’ Deaths to Bolster Its War Against Black People

With the death of two NYPD police officers at the hands of an obviously mentally disturbed individual, there are those who have decided to...

Dr. Boyce (@drboycewatkins1) and Yvette: The Election is Over, So Democrats Are Back to Ignoring Black People? What is @TheRevAl Really Doing to Push...

In this interview, Yvette Carnell and I openly question whether the Democratic Party is going to fight as hard to support the black agenda...

Is Bet Networks Really A Good Thing for Black People? Bet Boss Debra Lee Speaks Out

This week, BET’s President, Debra Lee, commented on the style of programming being offered by her network and the response from her viewers.  ...

Where’s the Justice? Cops Chase, Beat Unarmed Honor Student Half to Death, and then are Acquitted (warning graphic image)

You’re walking to your grandmother’s house and a group of men jump out of a van and start chasing you.  None of them tell...

Crazed Gunman Shoots Up Theatre During Batman Movie Premiere, 12 People Dead and 38 Injured (video inside)

A man walked into a crowded movie theater in Aurora, Colorado and opened fire this weekend, putting several bullets into a crowd after throwing...

Nation of Islam Leader Min. Louis Farrakhan Take to the Streets to Stop Black-on-Black Violence (video inside)

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has grown tired of seeing black men killing one another in the streets of Chicago.  Doing what others...