Breaking News: Rapper Rick Ross Hires Elite Security Team with Special Military Training to Deal with Gangster Disciples Crew (video inside)


    In a surprising turn of events involving Maybach Music Recording artist Rick Ross who has been receiving several video death threats from gang members associated with the notorious group Gangster Disciples Crew, the chart topping rap star has hired an elite team of former members of US Military Special Forces & Navy Seals to provide around the clock security while he is traveling on tour and making special appearances.

    HHE spoke exclusively with a confidential source close to his security team who stated that the Miami rapper is taking no chances with his safety and that of his employees and thus has hired former members of the US military special forces and navy seals who has experience in dealing with crisis situations of a mass scale all the while keeping their identity a secret. The source stated ”Our role his to provide Mr. Ross with the necessary security for him and his company so they can continue to operate their already successful company and not have to worry about individuals bent on causing them harm.”

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    We asked the source how would this help his street credibility? “This has little to do with street credibility if you have mask individuals threatening your life in different states across the nation. It is our job to take a proactive approach to providing safety to our clients and we employ individuals who have experience in dealing with these type of threats.”

    We attempted to reach out to the rapper’s record label for comment but our calls have yet to be returned.

    Now that’s a real gangster move?!

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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