In a bizarre turn of events, the infamous video that originally aired on CNN news on May 19, 2024 where you can see the music mogul assaulting Cassie Ventura...
Atlanta (Fulton County) - Reported by: Dennis Byron
The former Russian mobster, Mani Chulpayev was back in court on Tuesday before Judge Craig Schwall to address...
Reported by: Investigative Reporter Dennis Byron
Back in February of this year, Vinson Hardimon aka Yung Vito stood trial for the death of rapper Slim...
Reporting by: Dennis Byron
Update: Judge Bensonetta Tipton Lane steps down in the Raymond v. Raymond Case. Click here to read the story.
Update: Attorney John...
Rev. Al Sharpton & Wife
Rev. Al Sharpton's former wife Kathy Jordan and their daughter Dominique Sharpton were arrested in Manhattan on Friday night, according...