Hip Hop Reacts to Charleston Church Shooting Massacre #AmericanTerrorist



    Last night a white gunman walk into the historically black Emanuel A.M.E Church in downtown Charleston, SC and fatally shot nine black men and women in cold blood. The killer has not been apprehended and is still on the run.

    Three black men and six black women, including Reverend and South Carolina State Senator Clementa Pinckney are now dead in the wake of this act of terrorism against blacks in America. A witness who was spared by the shooter says that the man attended a Bible study class for about an hour before gunning down church members.

    The shooter has been identified by police as Dylann Storm Roof, a white male slightly built and around 21 years old.  A manhunt is underway in an effort to apprehend the suspect who is still considered to be very dangerous by police.

    Police are calling this massacre a hate crime, but to others it is much more. This was an act of terrorism on American soil and the hip hop community has spoken out in the wake of this tragedy.





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