@RyanLeslie Speaks on $1 Million Verdict & Gets Emotional On Stage After Being Called “Rap Weasel” (Video Inside)


    Last night, Ryan Leslie, performed for a super-supportive audience at LIU’s homecoming and addressed the whole finders, keepers laptop situation on stage. The Harvard grad producer, got emotional on stage after recalling how the NY Post used his lawsuit verdict as their front page story this week, and labeled him “rap weasel”.

    “Eventually somebody did actually return that backpack to me. And when I looked at the hard drive to access everything that I had lost, um, the music just wasn’t there. The hard drive wouldn’t mount” said  Leslie about why he felt he shouldn’t have to pay the full $1 M to laptop-finder Armin Augstein.

    “Everyone thought I was just a cheapskate or something like that.  A jury of my peers, eight people, they looked me in my face and told me that I had to pay this man $1 million for music that I never got back”. Leslie continued on to say, and “despite what the jury said, that $1 Million reward is stlll out there for anyone who can return my compositions to me.”. Watch the full performance below! Hmm…if I were him, I would reduce the reward by  80% since he is already on the hook for the million.

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