Should Anthony Weiner Resign From Congress?


    ANTHONY-WEINER-RESIGNSRep. Anthony Weiner ( D-N.Y.) addresses a press conference in New York City

    Author: Sylvia Burley

    New surveys show New York City residents are divided on whether Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) should resign his office after admitting to sending lewd photos to women online. Unfortunately it appears that most New Yorkers do not support a future Weiner mayoral candidacy, once thought to be a near certainty.

    An automated survey of New York City adults conducted by WABC-TV and SurveyUSA finds 46 percent who think Weiner should resign and 41 percent who think Weiner should stay in office.

    However, a second survey of the city’s registered voters conducted with live interviewers by TV station NY1 and Marist College finds more support for Weiner: Just 30 percent of respondents told the pollsters that they want the persecuted congressman to resign, while 51 percent want him to stay in office.

    Most (61 percent) characterized his behavior as unethical but not illegal. Far fewer said either that they were either illegal (13 percent), amounted to having done “nothing wrong” (13 percent) or were unsure (14 percent).

    Given the time constraint, both surveys also had to rely on relatively small samples with margins of error in the range of plus or minus 4.5 to 5 percent.

    What do you think…should he resign or not?

    Source: Huffington Post

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