Creepy or Clever??? Newsweek Magazine Raises Princess Di from the Dead.


    DIANA-KATE-MIDDLETON-NEWSWEEKDuchess Kate stares at her beloved deceased mother-in-law 
    on the cover of Newsweek Magazine.

    In other back-from-the-dead news, Newsweek Magazine stirs up a bit of controversy on their most recent cover of what Princess Diana would have looked like if she were alive today at the age of 50. With everyone around the world adding their two Euros about the similarities between the newly wed Catherine to Diana’s son William, writer Tina Brown examines what the People’s Princess might be doing had she never been involved in the life changing, history altering event that occurred back in Augst of 1997. Tell us what you think. Is this clever or creepy?

    Diana iChats with her kids from beyond the grave.

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