50 Cent Goes Off On Big Businesses!! Says “If a Company Isn’t Giving Back, Stop Buying From Them”


    Recently, it seems that 50 Cent has been trying to play his part in helping others and changing “the system” that puts so many people at a disadvantage. On Saturday night, 50 went to his Facebook page to vent over his frustration with American Big Business. Here’s what he had to say:

    How f**ked up that we have evidence that the big Banks have been corrupt, yet our governments aren’t punishing those that have stolen from the pension funds. Our Politicians are puppets for whoever pays them into office. That’s how f**ked our system is. Their broken promises for change cant happen especially when the system is corrupt. And children who need a meal go without because our politicians won’t stop thinking of themselves long enough or how to win the next election, too look around them and see how bad it is.

    You aren’t helping Mr politician, things are getting worse here in the US, in Europe, Africa everywhere! Im f**kn angry that Children are dying everyday. There’s hard working people out there who do give a sh*t. Problem is those with the power – government and big business, want this system to keep going. Its suits them. I don’t want to do business with these f**kers anymore. Do you?

    If a company isn’t giving back, stop buying from them. Buy a pair of shoes from TOMS (who give another pair to someone in need), look for companies that aren’t paying lip service to community / charity. We are more powerful than the big business and politicians realize……we have the power to stop buying their products, banking with them. Your dollar, that you worked hard for, does have power.

    Together we can say – WAKE UP A-HOLES! The game is over.

    – 50 cent

    But 50 isn’t all talk, and no action. Back in September, 50 started his Street King initiative where he sells energy shots known as Street King Energy Shots. For every shot sold, one meal is provided for a child in Africa. 50’s goal is to feed one billion people.

    Surprisingly, we agree with 50 and his view of the American system. There seems to be so much evidence that banks and other big businesses are putting the average American citizen at a disadvantage, but until recently with movements such as the Occupy protests, it seems that no one has had the guts to speak up. HHE will be having a live video chat today about 50’s statement so let us know what you think.

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