Well That Was Fast… Kim K to File for Divorce!?

    Thats a wrap!

    Somewhere right now I can picture NBA trophy husband Kris Humphries letting out a huge sigh of relief because his soul will soon no longer be held in the evil klutches of Kris Jenner! TMZ is reporting that after weeks of break-up rumors, Kim Kardashian will file for divorce after only 72 days of her made-for-tv marriage to husband Kris Humphries.

    The couple who married in August of this year in Montecito, CA during a larger than life, over the top wedding which cost about $10 million have recently come under a tabloid storm once word got out that Kim was tired of NBA lockout victim Kris “mooching” off of her fame and money.  There were also reports that Kris was not the 1st choice to be Kim’s matrimonial victim.

    I hope for Kris’ sake that his nut sack will be returned in its original condition. I also hope for his sake that he’ll be able to clear his nostrils from the overwhelming stench of Ray-J urine he was constantly subjected to for the past 2 months.

    We here at Hip Hop Enquirer will bring you all further details once the story develops. And congratulations to those of you who had bets on how long this would last, because I know there are tons of you who did!

    Follow us on Twitter! @hiphopenqmag

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