Texas Sure Knows How to Pick’em!! Governor Rick Perry’s “Oops”

    Governor Rick Perry has Brain Freeze during National Debate.
    Governor Rick Perry has brain freeze during National Debate.

    The Republican Presidential debate took place at Oakland University in Michigan wednesday night.  The debate was centered almost exclusively on how to fix the Nation’s economic problems.  Questions ranged from the recent Dow Jones drop that’s affecting 401k plans to whether or not the US should be obligated to help Italy in recent economic plummets.  In attendance were all the Republican nominees:  Congressman Ron Paul, Businessman Herman Cain (first appearance after sexual harassment accusations), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Speaker Newt Gingrich , Gov. Mitt Romney,  Gov. Jon Huntsman and the most controversial nominee of the night, Gov. Rick Perry.

    Apparently, Mr. Perry had a major brain freeze last night while responding to the question about how he would work with the Democrats across the aisle.  When asked the question Rick Perry responded,

     “I will tell you: It’s three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone: Commerce, Education and the –what’s the third one there? Let’s see. … OK. So Commerce, Education and the– … The third agency of government I would — I would do away with the Education, the … Commerce and — let’s see — I can’t. The third one, I can’t. Sorry. Oops.”

    “Oops” was Gov. Rick Perry’s final statement after a minute of trying to recall the third government agency he would get rid of.  Ironically, the question had nothing to do with which programs he deemed wasteful, but the question in hand requested his ideas for bi-partisan relations with Democrats.  This type of situation could raise eyebrows toward Rick Perry’s role as Governor and presidential nominee.

    If Perry drops the ball during a national debate, imagine what he would do in a diplomatic meeting with a foreign head of state.  Coincidentally, previous President George W. Bush, who was a known blooper during national televised speeches, was also former Governor of Texas.  No pun intended, but Bush was not the best Presidential orator ever to grace the screens of national T.V.  With that said, Rick Perry’s political run may not be over.

    The next Republican Debate will take place November 12, 2011 in South Carolina.

    [kkytv id=”NZlGPhntPaU” width=”464″]

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