To our friends and fam and readers in the Los Angeles area, we want you to know that Christmas is coming early for you guys this year! Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but to all you sneaker aficionados’ and sole heads out there you’ll be lit like a Christmas tree to know that after a successful stint in NYC, SneakerCon is taking their talents to the west on Saturday, December 17th from 12 – 7pm at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
This is the most sought after event for buying, selling, and trading some of the world’s most exclusive footwear. Save the date and mark your calenders because you won’t want to miss! Admission is a reasonable $12 considering what most of us pay for strip club entry. And for those of you who do make the event, feel free to send in some user submissions to us info@hiphopenquirer.com!
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