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New Music Alert!! Rapper Gloss Da Boss Gifts Us with Two Hot Tracks “Crazy” & “Sweet Life”

Last night Hip Hop Enquirer was invited to a private listening session to preview new music by one of hip hop’s most lyrically talented female emcees. Rapper Gloss Da Boss is hard at work prepping for the release of her upcoming untitled mixtape.

She allowed us to listen to a couple of her tracks that not only demonstrate her rap skills but also shows her versatility in what she talks about. Its no wonder why she is considered the female version of Bronx legendary rapper KRS One as her words are poetically chosen and executed with a purpose and message. Check out two songs from her upcoming project below:

Sweet Life:


Leave us a comment and let us know what you think about these two songs on the box below. You can also follow Gloss Da Boss on twitter @glossdaboss

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