Did George Zimmerman Deliver A Sure Conviction to Florida Prosecutors During His Interrogation? (shocking video)


    New video footage has emerge in the case of George Zimmerman verses State of Florida that will show many contradictions in what actually happened the night that teenager Trayvon Martin was gunned down by the accused. In one of the videos, Zimmerman attempts to explain to homicide detectives the manner in which he says Trayvon Martin attacked him on that rainy night back in April. In one part of the tape he attempts to explain where he was standing when he was allegedly attacked by Martin but based on his explanation Martin would have had to physically pull him to the concrete in order to beat his head on the ground if he was in fact first attacked in the grass. One thing is apparent from looking at the footage was the fact that Sanford police did do a level of investigation and they too may have had doubts about his story.

    In the hour long interrogation video, Zimmerman talks to investigators about the initial moment he came face to face with Trayvon, saying:

    “And like I said I was already passed that so I didn’t see exactly where he came from, but he was about where you were and I said ‘I don’t have a problem,’ and I went to go grab my cell phone but my, I left it in a different pocket, and I looked down in my pants pocket and he said ‘You got a problem now.’ And then he was here and he punched me in the face.”


    At the 1 hour and 4 minute mark of the video Zimmerman, while hooked up to a lie detector answers two crucial questions verifying his version of the shooting encounter with Trayvon.Sanford Police Investigator William Ervin asked-

    “Did you confront the guy you shot?” . “No,” he replied.After a few obvious questions, Ervin asks: “Were you in fear for your life when you shot the guy?Zimmerman doesn’t hesitate, “No.”

    It was revealed in interviews with Sanford Police Investigator Chris Serino later that Zimmerman passed the test.

    Zimmerman was charged on April 11 with second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon. He has pleaded not guilty and is currently sitting in the Seminole County jail in solitary confinement after his bond was revoked earlier this month. He has a bail hearing set for June 29th.

    Source: Globalgrind


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