Feds Bust Man for ID Theft of A Family Member ..Faces 20 Years in Prison



    Larry Senior a 57 year old man from Charlotte, North Carolina has been indicted by a federal grand jury facing charges of theft of governement funds and aggravated identity theft.

    Allegedly Senior used the identity of his nephew to recieve federal benefits and medicare benefits totaling about $60,000.

    “Identity theft is a serious crime that can impact the victim for years. Oftentimes, the victims of identity theft are haunted by negative information contained in credit reports and public records for a life time.” according to United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates.

    Yates goes on to say: “the charges and other information presented in court: Senior frauduently assumed the identity of his nephew nearly three decades ago and obtained a Social Security card, drivers licenses, credit cards, and health insurance cards. Senior applied for and recieved $23,000 in Social Security Benefits and $27,000 in medicare benefits which he was not entitled.”

    Senior’s indictment charges consits of three counts of theft of government funds, and two counts of aggravated identity theft. Each count of government theft carries a maximum of 10 years in prision, and a fine up to $250,000.

    Each count of aggravated identity theft carries a 2 years consecutive term of imprionment.

    This case is curently being investigated by the Social Securty Administraton-Office of The Inspector General.

    Hip-Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenqmag

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