Locked Up, But Not Locked Out: @2Chainz Encourages Felons to Know Their Voting Rights




    On election day this year, 1.4 million African-American males will be ineligible to vote for President of the United States of America. Disenfranchised black males account for 35 percent of all Americans now barred from voting because of felony convictions. Two percent of all Americans, or 3.9 million, have lost the right to vote, compared with 13 percent of adult black men.

    2 Chainz hopes to stop some of that. A felon himself at the age of 15. 2 Chainz has been encouraging felons to know their rights and to get their voting privileges reinstated. You can go to respectmyvote.com and type in what state your in and it basically gives you details on who to get your voice back,” said 2 Chainz in an interview with FuseTV. He explains that you have to have all your restitution paid off and that you can’t be on probation or parole.

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    State laws governing voter eligibility vary. Nine states impose a lifetime voting ban on convicted felons. In 32 states, felons can vote after serving their sentences and completing parole. Three states — Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont — have no prohibition and allow prisoners to vote, although Massachusetts voters will act on a ballot measure in November that would strip prisoners of voting rights.

    Six other states impose restrictions based on a felon’s prior record or parole status. So if you’re a felon and you feel like you want your voting rights back, then go to respectmyvote.com and see what you can do to get that back for 2012 or 2016.

     Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Twitter.com/hiphopenquirer

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